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Presenting the seminar: "VERSO LA POST CARBON CITY - Modelli resilienti di pianificazione e organizzazione spaziale per l’adattamento dei territori" @Castello del Valentino, 30 May 2022

The seminar entitled:

"VERSO LA POST CARBON CITY - Modelli resilienti di pianificazione e organizzazione spaziale per l’adattamento dei territori"

will offer an in-depth discussion on the design and management of climate and energy transition with a number of specialised speakers, highlighting the approaches, strategies and models currently being implemented in some national territories, and the scientific and cultural contribution to the design of sustainable cities.

The encounter will start at 14.30-15.45 with an intervention by GRAZIA BRUNETTA from DIST/PoliTo , CARMEN SALVAGGIO and CATERINA PADOVANI from Comune di Milano,  FEDERICO BEFFA from Fondazione Cariplo 

From 16.00 to 17.00 the floor will be held by GUGLIELMINA MUTANI from DENERG/PoliTo, ANTONELLA TUNDO from ENEA, EMANUEL GIRAUDO from Comunità Energetica Pinerolese, SILVIA SANTANTONIO and SIMONE BELTRAMINO from DIST/PoliTo

From 17.00 to 17.30 the floor will be open to debate and questions.


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