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Territorial Resilience: Toward a Proactive Meaning for Spatial Planning

Author(s): Grazia Brunetta, Rosario Ceravolo, Carlo Alberto Barbieri, Alberto Borghini, Francesco de Carlo, Alfredo Mela, Silvia Beltramo, Andrea Longhi, Giulia De Lucia, Stefano Ferraris, Alessandro Pezzoli, Carlotta Quagliolo, Stefano Salata, Angioletta Voghera
More info: The international debate on resilience has grown around the ability of a community to prepare for and adapt to natural disasters, with a growing interest in holistically understanding complex systems. Although the concept of resilience has been investigated from different perspectives, the lack of understanding of its conceptual comprehensive aspects presents strong limitations for spatial planning and for the adoption of policies and programs for its measurement and achievement. In this paper, we refer to “territorial resilience” as an emerging concept capable of aiding the decision-making process of identifying vulnerabilities and improving the transformation of socio-ecological and technological systems (SETSs). Here, we explore the epistemology of resilience, reviewing the origins and the evolution of this term, providing evidence on how this conceptual umbrella is used by different disciplines to tackle problem-solving that arises from disaster management and command-control practices to augment the robustness. Assuming the SETSs paradigm, the seismic and structural engineering, social sciences and history, urban planning and climatology perspectives intersects providing different analytical levels of resilience, including vulnerability and patrimony from a community and cultural perspective. We conclude that territorial resilience surpasses the analytical barriers between different disciplines, providing a useful concept related to complex problem-solving phenomena for land use planning, opening a new research question: how can territorial resilience be measured, acknowledging different units and levels of analysis aiding decision-making in spatial plans and projects? In attempting to understand a resilient system, quantitative and qualitative measurements are crucial to supporting planning decisions.
2019 | Journal Articles
Territorial Resilience: Toward a Proactive Meaning for Spatial Planning

Combining satellite geophysical data with continuous on-site measurements for monitoring the dynamic parameters of civil structures

Author(s): Stefania Coccimiglio, Giorgia Coletta, Erica Lenticchia, Gaetano Miraglia, Rosario Ceravolo
More info: One key issue in the Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) of buildings is the influence of the soil on the dynamics of the system. The lack of accurate information on soil-structure interaction represents a source of significant uncertainty and generates difficulties in assessing the state of structural health. In this respect, satellite data could represent a valuable tool for soil knowledge. This paper presents the first study of satellite data coming from the environmental Copernicus program of the European Space Agency (ESA) for the alternative application in the field of SHM. In particular, Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Soil Water Index (SWI) data are elected to study surface temperature and moisture condition of the soil. Once examined and processed, these records have been statistically analyzed, crossed with on-site experimental quantities (natural frequencies and environmental variations), and given as input to a Finite Element (FE) model. The final goal is to understand the actual structural behavior, but also to monitor the evolution of the dynamic parameters for the purposes of structural and seismic monitoring. The largest oval masonry dome in the world was chosen as a prominent case study to demonstrate this novel approach to SHM.
2022 | Journal Articles
Combining satellite geophysical data with continuous on-site measurements for monitoring the dynamic parameters of civil structures

La cura del ‘Medioevo’: Cesare Bertea e il patrimonio architettonico del Piemonte occidentale

Author(s): Silvia Beltramo
More info: ANANKE
2018 | Journal Articles
La cura del ‘Medioevo’: Cesare Bertea e il patrimonio architettonico del Piemonte occidentale

Wind Turbines and Rooftop Photovoltaic Technical Potential Assessment: Application to Sicilian Minor Islands

Author(s): Claudio Moscoloni, Fernando Zarra, Riccardo Novo, Enrico Giglio, Alberto Vargiu, Guglielmina Mutani, Giovanni Bracco, Giuliana Mattiazzo
More info: In order to achieve climate goals and limit the global temperature rise, an increasing share of renewable-energy sources (RESs) is required. However, technologies for the use of RESs need to be integrated into the landscape and ecological heritage to ensure a fully sustainable energy transition. This work aims to develop a scalable technique for integrating the estimation of rooftop PV and wind potential into spatial planning, providing a framework to support decision-makers in developing energy policies. The methodology is applied to the minor Sicilian islands, which are characterised by significant environmental and landscape constraints. The methodology is used to identify the areas eligible for the installation of onshore wind turbines and the usable roof surfaces for the installation of PV systems. It is shown that the available technical potential of rooftop PV installations could ensure a higher production than the actual consumption on 13 of the 14 islands studied. Nevertheless, efforts must be made to improve the legal framework, which currently places major limits on the use of wind energy.
2022 | Journal Articles
Wind Turbines and Rooftop Photovoltaic Technical Potential Assessment: Application to Sicilian Minor Islands

Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon-Polluted Soil: Evaluation of Different Operative Parameters

Author(s): David Javier Castro Rodriguez, Omar Gutiérrez Benitez, Enmanuel Casals-Pérez, Micaela Demichela, Alberto Godio, Fulvia Chiampo
More info: The bioremediation of soils polluted with hydrocarbons demonstrated to be a simple and cheap technique, even if it needs a long time. The current paper shows the application of statistical analysis, based on two factors involved in the biological process at several levels. We focus on the Design of Experiments (DOE) to determine the number and kind of experimental runs, whereas the use of the categorical factors has not been widely exploited up to now. This method is especially useful to analyze factors with levels constituted by categories and define the interaction effects. Particularly, we focused on the statistical analysis of (1) experimental runs carried out at laboratory scale (test M, in microcosm), on soil polluted with diesel oil, and (2) bench scale runs (test B, in biopile), on refinery oil sludge mixed with industrial or agricultural biodegradable wastes. Finally, the main purpose was to identify the factor’s significance in both the tests and their potential interactions, by applying the analysis of variance (ANOVA). The results demonstrate the robustness of the statistical method and its quality, especially when at least one of the factors cannot be defined with a numerical value.
2022 | Journal Articles
Bioremediation of Hydrocarbon-Polluted Soil: Evaluation of Different Operative Parameters

Pianificare per la resilienza della città contemporanea. Le ricerche del Centro interdiparmentale Responsible Risk Resilience - R3C del Politecnico di Torino

Author(s): Grazia Brunetta, Angioletta Voghera, Stefano Salata
More info: Si descrivono gli approcci multidisciplinari del centro di ricerca Responsible Risk resilience R3C nello studio delle vulnerabilità territoriali per il progetto di città e territori resilienti. Titolo del libro: 
Comunità Resilienti: Best practice italiane VOLUME 02 a Resilient Communities Approfondimento al Catalogo del Padiglione Italia “Comunita’ Resilienti” alla Biennale Architettura 2021
2022 | Book Section
Pianificare per la resilienza della città contemporanea. Le ricerche del Centro interdiparmentale Responsible Risk Resilience - R3C del Politecnico di Torino